time date timezone rails

Times & Dates in web browser timezone with Ruby on Rails 6.0

With Ruby on Rails 6, I like to have times and dates presented in the user’s timezone.

Basecamp’s local_time

My first search results lead me to Basecamp’s local_time ruby gem for Ruby on Rails. It makes it easy to display times and dates in the local timezone of the user. Ruby on Rails renders times and dates to <time> elements in UTC timezone. User-agent JavaScript converts those to the local timezone of the user’s web browser.

local_time is very cache-friendly, as all pages/partials with times and dates contain the same HTML with UTC times and dates.

Unfortunately, I was not skilled enough to add internationalization or localization of the time and date formats to local_time. Whatever I tried, I ended up with a weird mix of localized and not-localized time/date formats and translations for weekdays and months.

local_time includes US English internationalization/localization of the JavaScript part in i18n.coffee . The ruby gem delivers a minimized JavaScript asset for localization. I was not able to enrich it with time/date formats and translations in other languages. Maybe because of all the advancements in the JavaScript ecosystem. I was not able to interpret the internationalization section of local_time’s documentation ☹

Custom with JavaScript, Cookies, and ApplicationController

Due to my inability to add translations to local_time’s JavaScript, I dropped local_time (until I advance to the required level) and did something custom with JavaScript, cookies, and ApplicationController around_action.

  1. The web page contains JavaScript to get the local timezone with Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone. The JavaScript code adds the web browser’s timezone to the timezone cookie.
  2. On the next request, the browser sends cookie timezone to Rails
  3. Rails ApplicationController takes the timezone from cookie timezone and uses Times#use_zone in around_action to change the timezone for this request
  4. The view renders times and dates in the current timezone
/* app/javascript/user_agent_timezone/index.js */
function setTimezoneCookie() {
    var timezone = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;
    var expires  = new Date();

    expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + 60*60*24);
    expires = expires.toGMTString();

    document.cookie = "timezone=" + timezone + "; Path=/";

export default setTimezoneCookie()
/* app/javascript/packs/application.js */
# app/controlers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  around_action :switch_timezone


  def switch_timezone(&action)
    Time.use_zone(timezone_from_cookies, &action)

  def timezone_from_cookies
    cookies.fetch(:timezone, nil)
# app/views/articles/show.html.erb
<p><strong>Title:</strong> <%= article.title %></p>
<p><strong>Text:</strong> <%= article.text %></p>
<p>Created <%= I18n.l(article.created_at, format: :short) %>,
   updated <%= I18n.l(article.updated_at, format: :short) %></p>


Next time, I will explain to you what is provided by I18n.l. Stay tuned, but patient …

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